Terms & Conditions
Governors of conditions and Special workers welcome you to the website of the Department of Human Resources, which aims to introduce the Department of Human Resources and out. We are pleased to inform you of the terms of use of this website, which are intended to indicate the basis for your use of data and information. Moore allowed to you and prohibited to use . that are on the site and explain The rulers contained therein and accepted by them. By accessing this site, you agree to all the terms and conditions.
Terms & Conditions:
The rules of using the Human Resources Department website apply to all visitors and users of the site, and it is permissible to suspend / or prevent / or terminate Use the site in the event of a violation by a user, or if there are reasons to believe that a user
Users have violated and violated the terms and rules of use.
The applicable system for the protection of the site, including by way of preventing users from violating or attempting to violate the procedures of the site.
Example but not limited to:
Access data that is not intended to be provided to this user or access a server or account that does not authorize the user to access It.
Attempting to conduct a test, survey or spatial examination of weaknesses in the circuit system or network or violation of the integrity of the procedures
Or notarized without an official permit from the Human Resources Department.
Any user, host, or network, including but not limited to, attempting to interfere with the service provided by placing a virus on the site, increasing the load on it, sending advertising messages to it, flooding it with e-mails or
send unsolicited emails to the Site, including advertising, and/or advertising of products or services; or Falsification of any Transmission Control Protocol/IP packet address or any part of the address information in any message
Electronic or send newsgroup messages.
Use the website of the Human Resources Department in any way whatsoever to send an e-mail or any matters from it or on its behalf or through A reference to him or impersonating his name or capacity that includes insulting or defaming the Human Resources Department, the site or any person. Or
Announcing incorrect news or information and attributing it to the Human Resources Department without right. Violating the rules of use and violating the system or network exposes the violator to civil and criminal liability, and will be directly
Investigate cases that may involve such irregularities and violations and prosecute the perpetrator.