Golden Dragon Restaurant


15% of total bill

Validity From 05/30/23 - To 05/30/25
Standard Discount


There was once a dragon that glittered in gold and was renowned all over the land for being the first to offer Chinese cuisine in the country. It was born in 1976 and gained popularity among the residents for it's top notch Chinese menu and hospitality. It was a memorable age - throngs of friends and families flocked to the dragon's lair, and sounds of joy echoed; sounds that can only be heard over a plate of wholesome food with good company. The Golden Dragon then went into hibernation, much to the dismay of it's friends and fans. Time passed, and although the Dragon's friends searched for authentic Chinese food far and wide, they never found anything – or indeed, anyone - like the Golden Dragon. Unable to ignore the unhappiness of his friends, the dragon woke from his slumber to spread the joy of haute Chinese cuisine once again.

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Contact Person Number

050 446 4227

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